Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning

Dr. Benjamin Bloom was an education researcher and psychologist who famously developed his taxonomy of learning in 1956. He classified types of learning into three major hierarchical models. For cognitive learning, he classified more passive learning like gaining knowledge, comprehension, and rote learning as low-level cognitive work, while more engaged learning such as evaluation, application, and synthesis was deemed to be high-level cognitive work. As part of his overall taxonomy, he identified three domains of learning: cognitive (thinking), affective  (emotion/feeling), and psychomotor (physical/kinesthetic).

His purpose was to engineer learning methods that would promote a higher level of learning by inducing high-level cognitive work. He therefore looked down upon rote memorization and passive learning methods, and in fact outlined and ranked the order of effective learning elements from worst to best (in his opinion that is):
- remembering - recalling basic facts
- understanding - explaining said newly learned facts or ideas
- applying - using the information in new situation
- analyzing - making connections
- evaluating - justifying a decision with reasoned argument
- create or synthesize - produce new or original work

His taxonomy has been highly influential for educators worldwide. Learning about Bloom's taxonomy is important for teachers wishing to develop an effective lesson approach. Based on his taxonomy, one can find great support for Switzerland's IB concept-based learning style, employed here at St. Jude's Academy. To learn about concept-based learning, please take a look at Ms. Chin's post:

Image Credit: K. Aainsqatsi, 5 May 2008,, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.  

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, great post visual Carrie! I love your great summary of Bloom's taxonomy.


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